Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Social Media and Crisis Communications

It is so interesting to see the rise of social media. It is no longer simply a means of entertainment for teens and college students, it is now a vital communications tool. I check my Facebook account as often as I check my e-mail (multiple times each day). In a post on the "Force for Good" blog, Jon Harmon highlights the use of Facebook in regards to Monday's terrible massacre at Virginia Tech. Check out what he has to say.

1 comment:

Nikki said...

As a self-professed Facebook-aholic, I do agree that Facebook messages could become an influential means of reaching young people in the near future.

However, I have to wonder how long that means will stay effective. How long before students tire of Facebook and turn to something new? I think its crucial for anyone attempting to reach a college-aged audience to always include new, social media in their communications plans.

Interesting post.